13Exchange is already here!
A working tool to find the best deal on the rapidly growing peer-to-peer exchange market — all in a one window. Buy and sell cryptocurrencies from hand to hand — in one place, without unnecessary steps.
🔸Now showing ~56,700 transactions daily
🔸 Aggregate 8 exchanges and discuss integrations with other market players
🔸 We have the first 200 users in our Telegram bot — drink for that 🥂
🔸 We have over 350 different payment methods — global theme, guys
Now you don’t have to go to every platform and look for the right and profitable spread — everything is in 13Exchange.
If you have thoughts about improving, refining or partnering — don’t hesitate to write us. We are open to suggestions and feedback — this is preciousness for us.
All right, I have hugged everybody, I have given you all the insider information — trade profitably.
Welcome https://13exchange.com
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